Arya is a young engineering student who has recently discovered a new passion for writing. While her primary focus remains on coding and decoding, she also enjoys exploring various fascinating themes through her writing.

Despite her busy schedule as a student, she finds time to pick up a quill and put her thoughts on paper. In addition to writing for personal fulfilment, Arya uses her writing to help parents on their parenting journeys. As a result of her own experiences growing up and her interactions with babies, she has developed a keen interest in the trials and joys of raising children. Through her writing, she offers parents researched insights to help navigate them in making the best choices for their offspring.

With a curious and analytical mind, she brings a unique perspective to her writing, blending her garnered knowledge with her creative flair. She is passionate about empowering parents to become more confident and effective in their parenting, and she sees writing as a powerful tool for achieving this goal.